World Peace Council / WPC Brief History / WPC Rules and Regulations



WPC Rules and Regulations


1. Since its creation in 1949 – 50, the World Peace Council has grown and broadened into a worldwide mass movement.  It stands for peace, disarmament and global security; for national independence, economic and social justice and development, for protection of the environment, human rights and cultural heritage; solidarity with and support of those peoples and liberation movements fighting for the independence, sovereignty and integrity of their countries, and against imperialism.  National peace organizations and movements associated with the WPC, together with individual supporters of different political persuasions, can be found on all continents and in all regions of the world.

2. The WPC is guided by the words of its Founder President Frederic Joliot-Curie – “Peace is Everybody’s Business”.

Chapter I: Principles and Objectives

3. The WPC is an open, democratic, independent, pluralist and non-aligned international movement of mass action. It is an integral part of the world peace movement and acts in cooperation with other international and national movementsAnd now, for something completely different.

4. The WPC is a broad coalition of movements and organizations which, on the international level, choose to combine their diverse activities for the achievement of a common goal: the creation and strengthening of a secure and just peace for all the peoples of the world.

5. The WPC is an open and democratic forum for dialogue, cooperation, interaction and mutual assistance among sovereign and independent peace, disarmament, solidarity, humanitarian, ecological, scientific, cultural, religious, labour and other movements and organization, as well as individuals, without any discrimination on ideological, political or other grounds.

6. The WPC has consistently adhered to the main principles and objectives laid down by its founders and is inspired by the UN charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the principles of the Non Aligned Movement and the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The principles are:
- Prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction and ending of the arms drive; abolition of foreign military bases; total and universal disarmament under effective international control
- Elimination of all forms of colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination
- Respect for the right of the peoples to sovereignty and independence, essential for the establishment of peace
- Respect of the territorial integrity of states
- Non-interference in the internal affairs of nations
- Establishment of mutually beneficial trade and cultural relations based on friendship and mutual respect
- Peaceful co-existence between states with different political systems
- Negotiations instead of use of force in the settlement of differences between nations.

7. The WPC believes that the solution of global security problems is possible by enlarging the popular movement and raising the level of public awareness.

8. The WPC initiates and cooperates in actions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and to reduce conventional arms. It launches new campaigns for the solution of global problems. It also acts in particular for the dissolution of military blocks and pacts; the dismantling of all military bases and the withdrawal of foreign troops; for social and economic development, the establishment of anew international economic order, a just solution of the problem of foreign dept; for the recognition of every nation�s freedom of choice; for the establishment of a new international information and communication order; in support of the liberation movements; for the settlement of regional conflicts on the basis of respect for the rights of the peoples to self-determination.

9. The WPC cooperates with the United Nations, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO and other UN specialized agencies, special committees and departments; with the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organisation of African Unity, the League of Arab States and other inter-governmental bodies.

10. Activities of the WPC are based upon the involvement and contribution of movements and organizations represented in it, which are autonomous and in dependent entities. The WPC is a genuine movement of international solidarity and mutual support. Public opinion is of key importance in WPC efforts for the achievements of all its principles and objectives.

11. In its activities and structures the WPC pursues the goal of equal participation of men and women.

12. The WPC has developed its own unique character over the years. Its structure conforms to the changing realities; it varies in accordance with different countries and regions.

Chapter II: Membership

13. WPC members are national and international movements, organizations and groups, which agree with its main principles and any of its objectives, and pay regular membership fees.

14. Organisations other than those mentioned in Article 13 may become members of the WPC at the discretion of the Executive Committee in consultation with member organizations.

15. National and international organizations that wish to cooperate with the WPC on any of its objectives may become associate members.

16. Distinguished individuals may become honorary members at the discretion of the Executive Committee in consultation with member organizations.

Chapter III: WPC Bodies

17. The WPC shall have the following bodies: the Assembly, Regional Conferences, the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee and the Secretariat. All activities of the WPC bodies are of an open character.

Chapter IV: The Assembly

18. The WPC Assembly is the highest body of the WPC. It shall meet regularly every three years.

19. The Assembly is composed of representatives of member organizations. At the Assembly each member organization has one vote.

20. Decisions at the Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority vote if consensus cannot be achieved.

21. The Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee. An extraordinary Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee or at the request of not less than one third of the total number of member organizations as well as one third of the countries represented in the WPC.

22. Between the regular Assemblies a consultative meeting of representatives of WPC member organizations may be called by the Executive Committee.

23. The tasks of the Assembly shall be:
- To determine the main guidelines for WPC activities and to approve the auditor�s report and the budget for a three-year term;
- To elect WPC member organizations to the Executive Committee, whose term shall expire at the following Assembly, in conformity with Article 28;
- To elect WPC President of Honour from among persons who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the WPC and the peace movement as a whole, and on the bases of recommendations form WPC development of the WPC and the peace movement as a whole, and on the bases of recommendations form WPC member organizations.
- To examine the WPC Charter (Rules and Regulations) and make any necessary changes.
- To establish an Audition or Monitoring Commission.

Chapter V: Regional Conferences (Africa; Arab Countries; Asia; Europe an North America – CSCE countries; Latin America and the Caribbean; Pacific)

24. Taking into account the specific conditions, Regional Conferences of WPC members are normally held once a year to review the situation and activities in the region and to work out a joint programme of actions and plans for fund-raising.

25. If consensus cannot be reached, the Regional conference shall take decisions by a simple majority vote.

26. The Regional Conference shall be convened by the Regional Coordinating Committee.

27. The tasks for the Regional Conference shall be:
- To determine the main guidelines for regional activities, cooperation and assistance for the period of the year
- To approve the budget for such activities, and to set up the necessary subsidiary bodies and working groups for the implementation of those tasks
- To elect the Regional Coordinating Committee and the Regional Coordinator
- To appoint the full-time Regional Secretary/Secretaries according to needs and possibilities.

Chapter VI: Executive Committee

28. The WPC Executive Committee, composed of representatives of up to 40 member organizations, shall be elected by the Assembly from among WPC member organizations on the basis of proposals made by Regional Conferences, taking due account of an adequate geo-political representation. The WPC Executive Secretary and the WPC Treasurer shall be ex officio full members of the WPC Executive Committee and members of the Secretariat. In exceptional cases the Executive Committee may co-opt up to 5 additional full members of the Executive Committee.

29. The Executive Committee shall meet according to necessity not less than once a year. Its meetings shall take place by rotation in different regions.

30. The tasks of the Executive Committee shall be:
- To coordinate and promote WPC activities and advance the work of member organizations
- To facilitate the work of the Regional Centers
- To coordinate international campaigns, projects and initiatives; and to work out organizational, informative and financial measures for their practical implementation
- To develop cooperation with other peace movements and international and regional organization
- To convene the WPC Assembly or consultative meetings (see Article 22) and to prepare the agenda
- To appoint the WPC General Secretary, The WPC Treasurer and the members of the Secretariat, taking due account of an adequate geo-political representation and to approve the Secretariat Regulations
- To develop an effective WPC Information Center, to approve the principles of its activities, and to appoint the Director of the information Center and its editorial staff, taking due account of an adequate geo-political representation
- To adopt the WPC annual budget and financial report and to take the necessary steps for fund-raising
- To admit WPC members, associate members and honorary members
- To elect WPC Vice-presidents on the basis of recommendations by the Regional Conferences, taking due account of an adequate geo-political representation.

31. The Executive Committee shall elect a person as President from among the member organizations belonging to the WPC for a period until the next regular Assembly. The president is responsible for the political leadership of the WPC and ensures the coordination of all organizational work and activities.

32. The Executive Committee may elect a maximum of three persons as Co-Presidents from among the member organizations of the WPC for a period until the next regular Assembly. The Co-Presidents will be responsible for specific duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.

33. The Standing Committee of the Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Co-Presidents, Regional Coordinators, General Secretary and Treasurer, which, under the guidance of the President, shall act as the coordinating body between the regular meetings of the Executive Committee and shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee.

Chapter VII: The Secretariat

34. The WPC Secretariat shall function as the coordinating and communication body, which fulfils the tasks entrusted to it by the Assembly, the WPC Committee and the Standing Committee, and reports thereon to them.

35. The main tasks for the Secretariat shall be:
- To organize and coordinate the implementation of projects, campaigns, initiatives, etc. of a global character and tot render necessary practical assistance in the implementation of regional, continental, group and national projects
- To organize the information activities of the WPC and to fulfil the functions of the editorial board of WPC members and other national and international organizations
- To facilitate the functioning of the WPC� s elected bodies
- To the responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the WPC central budget

36. The secretariat shall be elected from among the organizations, which compose the Executive Committee (the number shall be determined by the WPC Executive Committee, depending on the financial possibilities and practical necessities). They shall be selected for a fixed term from among competent persons with experience in active work in national movements, and with the required knowledge and skills. Due attention should be paid to an adequate geopolitical representation. The Executive Secretary should derive from the Organisation of the host country. His tasks are the operational functioning and the Coordination of the Secretariat. In case the Organisation of other office bearer coincides with the one of the Executive Secretary, the Organisation shall have only one vote in the Secretariat.

37. In its work the Secretariat shall be assisted by professional and other support staff recruited both internationally and locally within the limits of the allocated budget.

38. The WPC Information Centre is a specialized department within the Secretariat with the following tasks:
- To collect information on the activities of member and other organizations and make them available in the common interest of all, using networks specially set up for this purpose
- To inform public opinion about the goals and activities of the WPC and other peace movements
- To collect results of peace-related research work as background material
- To produce regular and occasional publications

Chapter VIII: Finances

39. The WPC budget shall be formed by:
- Obligatory annual membership fees the amount of which shall be determined by the Executive Committee for each category of WPC members, in consultation with member organizations; these fees are subject to subsequent ratification and revision by the Assembly
- Voluntary donations in cash and in kind from organizations, funds and individuals
- Money collected through special fund-raising activities.

40. The WPC Treasurer shall report to the WPC Executive Committee on the annual operating statement and balance sheet as compared to the year�s budget estimates, and submit an auditor�s report and budget for the next year. The Executive Committee shall report to the Assembly on the state of WPC finances. The annual operating statement, balance sheet and auditor�s report shall be made public annually. The Executive Committee shall set up a Finance Commission responsible for organizing and coordinating fund-raising campaigns and authorizing the correct and appropriate spending of funds. The Executive Committee shall also appoint the Auditor. The WPC Assembly shall set up an International Peace Fund for the accumulation of voluntary donations and incomes from fund-raising activities. The resources of the IPF will be mainly used to render financial assistance for international and regional campaigns, projects, etc. The WPC Executive Committee shall create the IPF Board and approve its proposals.